Conjugation Trainers
review and master
Learning irregular verbs isn't so hard – at least not if you use these free conjugation trainers that
we've found for you!
- Get the big picture with useful verb tables!
- Learn methodically by choosing tenses and subjects!
- Make lasting progress by reviewing difficult verbs often!
In the online dictionary you can view conjugations by searching for a verb and clicking on the table icon next to each verb search result, which brings up a conjugation table.
The best free conjugation trainers:
Online conjugation trainers
Logosconjugator - Targeted Practise
This trainer allows you to practise conjugating a large number of French verbs. Use the filter function to choose which tenses you would like to be quizzed on.
Freeware conjugation trainers for download
Verbentrainer - Memorise Conjugations (Windows)
Use the integrated verb bank in the program or create your own set of verbs by clicking on "VerbenBearbeiten". This program lets you practise and memorise verb conjugations effectively and efficiently.Coniuno - Effective Verb Training (Windows)
The best feature of Coniuno is its comprehensive verb tables, which are accessible by a quick click on the flags in the menu bar. The language combination can be changed at any time during the conjugation exercise.